
Commercially Released

Over the last few years, Emma has taken on ‘narrative’ work for projects of different sizes, from indie to Triple A. She especially enjoys working on item descriptions, lore documentation, and thinking about how to integrate narrative intentions with design decisions. If you think you might like to work with her… drop her a message, and she can send over her portfolio?

Stuff which is currently (easily) playable includes an expansion pack for the experimental text-based adventure Ord (a non-linear Wild West heist, told three words at a time), and a promotional ARG for the release of ‘Kraken Academy’ (where you can stumble around a fictional corporation’s website, gathering clues and solving puzzles).


For Fun

In 2016, Emma’s brother introduced her to the concept of game jams - where you have 48 or 72 hours to make a game to a theme. Together, they enjoy making silly, experimental things - which try to impose some sort of strange creative restriction - e.g. Does a game need an ending? Does a game need an engine? What happens if you lino-cut every piece of artwork by hand? What happens if you mess around with expectations around controls?).

Recent projects have included ‘Memario’ (rebuilding level 1-1 of Mario from memory), Werm (an existentialist reworking of Snake, where there is no way to die) and Spooble (a story told through a search engine, with controls that are either ‘fun’ or ‘stupid’, depending on how much you enjoy typing…).


Lockdown Project

In 2020, Emma started a comedy-horror branching text-based adventure, in which the player is a motorcycle organ courier, and has ten choices to get their precious cargo to the hospital. It offers two branches for each choice, and therefore should theoretically have 2^10 endings. It remains, perhaps unsurprisingly, a work in progress…